فرشاة تدليك فروة الرأس شياتسو كهربائية لاسلكية - جهاز تدليك فروة الرأس بالاهتزاز - جهاز تدليك للرأس للاسترخاء - مقاوم للماء IPX7

Dhs. 550.00 AED Dhs. 688.00 AED

أطلق العنان لقوة الاهتزاز: مع اهتزاز عالي التردد يصل إلى 7000 مرة في الدقيقة، توفر فرشاة تدليك فروة الرأس لدينا تنظيفًا شاملاً وفعالًا لفروة الرأس. فهي تجعل كل بصيلة في فروة رأسك تتلقى تنظيفًا شاملاً ومنعشًا.

افتح عالمًا من الاحتمالات مع جهاز تدليك فروة الرأس 3 في 1: يجمع جهازنا بين جهاز تدليك فروة الرأس وتنظيف فروة الرأس وأداة توزيع زيت فروة الرأس - كل ذلك في جهاز واحد. وداعًا للروتين المعقد ومرحبًا بشعر أكثر صحة ومرونة. عزز صحة فروة الرأس دون عناء.

إعادة تعريف العناية بفروة الرأس بدقة: فهو يستهدف فروة الرأس مباشرة. وتسمح له الأسنان الشفافة بالتركيز على الأطراف، مما يضمن الامتصاص الأمثل دون تدخل من الشعر. ويترك فروة رأسك منتعشة وخالية من الانسدادات.

مقاوم للماء بدرجة IPX7 للاستخدام الجاف والرطب: يمكنك الاختيار من بين ثلاثة أوضاع: العناية بفروة الرأس لتعزيز الحيوية، والعناية بالتدليك للاسترخاء المهدئ، وتنظيف فروة الرأس للحصول على شعر رقيق وناعم.

إنشاء تدليك موحد ومستقر: جربي الخرز المتدحرج. يعمل هذا النهج المبتكر على تعزيز امتصاص السوائل وتنشيط بصيلات الشعر وتعزيز مرونة الجذور.

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1. Charge the Device • Before using the massager, ensure it is fully charged. The device comes with a USB charging cable. Connect it to any USB port (like a laptop, power bank, or adapter).
• Charging time typically takes around 2 hours for a full charge, and you’ll see an indicator light that turns off or changes color once the device is fully charged.
2. Prepare Your Scalp Oil (Optional) • If you want to use the oil applicator function, fill the built-in reservoir with your preferred hair oil or scalp treatment. Simply open the cap of the applicator and carefully pour the oil in. Ensure the cap is tightly sealed before use.
• Oils like argan oil, coconut oil, or specialized scalp treatments can be used with this feature.
3. Turn on the Device • Press the power button to activate the massager. There may be different intensity settings, so choose the one that feels most comfortable for your scalp.
• Some massagers have multiple modes (e.g., light, medium, or intense vibrations), allowing you to adjust the massage experience.
4. Using on Dry Hair • For dry scalp massage, gently place the massager on your scalp and move it in small circular motions. The vibrating nodes will stimulate blood circulation and massage your scalp.
• If using the oil applicator feature, the oil will be dispensed as you massage, helping it to penetrate the scalp more evenly.
5. Using in the Shower • The massager is IPX7 waterproof, so you can safely use it while washing your hair. Apply shampoo or conditioner to your scalp, then use the massager to work it in. The device will help thoroughly cleanse the scalp and remove buildup.
• Move the massager in circular motions across your scalp, allowing the vibrations to help distribute the product and clean the scalp effectively.
6. Duration of Use • It’s recommended to use the massager for 5-10 minutes at a time, depending on how long you want to massage your scalp. You can use it daily or a few times per week, depending on your scalp’s needs.
7. Post-Use Care • After using the massager, especially in the shower, rinse it under running water to remove any shampoo, oil, or debris.
• Make sure to dry the massager thoroughly with a towel and let it air dry before storing it. This will help prolong its lifespan.
8. Relax and Enjoy the Benefits • After regular use, you may notice improvements in your scalp health, such as reduced dandruff, less dryness, or even enhanced hair growth. The massager helps stimulate blood flow, which is essential for maintaining a healthy scalp and stronger hair.
✨ Soothing Mode: At 70 strokes per minute, this mode targets hair loss and bald areas by promoting hair thickness. The gentle motion stimulates hair follicles and improves blood flow for healthier hair growth.
🌟 Refreshing Mode: Operating at 90 strokes per minute, this fast-speed mode refreshes your scalp and clears away product build-up. By removing dead skin cells, it helps improve oil control and cuts down on dandruff, giving you a healthier scalp.
💆‍♂️ Relaxing Mode: This mode combines low and fast speeds to promote better penetration of essential oils into your scalp. By allowing treatments to reach the roots more effectively, you maximize the benefits of your hair treatments and encourage healthy hair growth.

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